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 Berikut ini adalah daftar ASCII Character Set : 

Wingdings Unicode
Character Dec Hex PS Name Character Dec Hex Name Range
  32 0x20 space   32 U+0020 Space Basic Latin
! 33 0x21 pencil 🖉 128393 U+1F589 Lower left pencil Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
" 34 0x22 scissors 9986 U+2702 Black scissors Dingbats
# 35 0x23 scissorscutting 9985 U+2701 Upper blade scissors Dingbats
$ 36 0x24 readingglasses 👓 128083 U+1F453 Eyeglasses Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
% 37 0x25 bell 🕭 128365 U+1F56D Ringing bell Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
& 38 0x26 book 🕮 128366 U+1F56E Book Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
' 39 0x27 candle 🕯 128367 U+1F56F Candle Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
( 40 0x28 telephonesolid 🕿 128383 U+1F57F Black touchtone telephone Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
) 41 0x29 telhandsetcirc 9990 U+2706 Telephone location sign Dingbats
* 42 0x2A envelopeback 🖂 128386 U+1F582 Back of envelope Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
+ 43 0x2B envelopefront 🖃 128387 U+1F583 Stamped envelope Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
, 44 0x2C mailboxflagdwn 📪 128234 U+1F4EA Closed mailbox with lowered flag Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
- 45 0x2D mailboxflagup 📫 128235 U+1F4EB Closed mailbox with raised flag Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
. 46 0x2E mailbxopnflgup 📬 128236 U+1F4EC Open mailbox with raised flag Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
/ 47 0x2F mailbxopnflgdwn 📭 128237 U+1F4ED Open mailbox with lowered flag Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
0 48 0x30 folder 📁 128193 U+1F4C1 File folder Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
1 49 0x31 folderopen 📂 128194 U+1F4C2 Open file folder Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
2 50 0x32 filetalltext1 📄 128196 U+1F4C4 Page facing up Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
3 51 0x33 filetalltext 🗏 128463 U+1F5CF Page Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
4 52 0x34 filetalltext3 🗐 128464 U+1F5D0 Pages Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
5 53 0x35 filecabinet 🗄 128452 U+1F5C4 File cabinet Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
6 54 0x36 hourglass 8987 U+231B Hourglass Miscellaneous Technical
7 55 0x37 keyboard 🖮 128430 U+1F5AE Wired keyboard Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
8 56 0x38 mouse2button 🖰 128432 U+1F5B0 Two button mouse Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
9 57 0x39 ballpoint 🖲 128434 U+1F5B2 Trackball Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
: 58 0x3A pc 🖳 128435 U+1F5B3 Old personal computer Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
; 59 0x3B harddisk 🖴 128436 U+1F5B4 Hard disk Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
< 60 0x3C floppy3 🖫 128427 U+1F5AB White hard shell floppy disk Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
= 61 0x3D floppy5 🖬 128428 U+1F5AC Soft shell floppy disk Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
> 62 0x3E tapereel 9991 U+2707 Tape drive Dingbats
? 63 0x3F handwrite 9997 U+270D Writing hand Dingbats
@ 64 0x40 handwriteleft 🖎 128398 U+1F58E Left writing hand Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
A 65 0x41 handv 9996 U+270C Victory hand Dingbats
B 66 0x42 handok 👌 128076 U+1F44C OK hand sign Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
C 67 0x43 thumbup 👍 128077 U+1F44D Thumbs up sign Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
D 68 0x44 thumbdown 👎 128078 U+1F44E Thumbs down sign Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
E 69 0x45 handptleft 9756 U+261C White left pointing index Miscellaneous Symbols
F 70 0x46 handptright 9758 U+261E White right pointing index Miscellaneous Symbols
G 71 0x47 handptup 9757 U+261D White up pointing index Miscellaneous Symbols
H 72 0x48 handptdown 9759 U+261F White down pointing index Miscellaneous Symbols
I 73 0x49 handhalt 🖐 128400 U+1F590 Raised hand with fingers splayed Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
J 74 0x4A smileface 9786 U+263A White smiling face Miscellaneous Symbols
K 75 0x4B neutralface 😐 128528 U+1F610 Neutral face Emoticons
L 76 0x4C frownface 9785 U+2639 White frowning face Miscellaneous Symbols
M 77 0x4D bomb 💣 128163 U+1F4A3 Bomb Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
N 78 0x4E skullcrossbones 9760 U+2620 Skull and crossbones Miscellaneous Symbols
O 79 0x4F flag 🏳 127987 U+1F3F3 Waving white flag Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
P 80 0x50 pennant 🏱 127985 U+1F3F1 White pennant Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Q 81 0x51 airplane 9992 U+2708 Airplane Dingbats
R 82 0x52 sunshine 9788 U+263C White sun with rays Miscellaneous Symbols
S 83 0x53 droplet 💧 128167 U+1F4A7 Droplet Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
T 84 0x54 snowflake 10052 U+2744 Snowflake Dingbats
U 85 0x55 crossoutline 🕆 128326 U+1F546 White Latin cross Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
V 86 0x56 crossshadow 10014 U+271E Shadowed white Latin cross Dingbats
W 87 0x57 crossceltic 🕈 128328 U+1F548 Celtic cross Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
X 88 0x58 crossmaltese 10016 U+2720 Maltese cross Dingbats
Y 89 0x59 starofdavid 10017 U+2721 Star of David Dingbats
Z 90 0x5A crescentstar 9770 U+262A Star and crescent Miscellaneous Symbols
[ 91 0x5B yinyang 9775 U+262F Yin Yang Dingbats
\ 92 0x5C om 2384 U+0950 Devanagari Om Devanagari
] 93 0x5D wheel 9784 U+2638 Wheel of Dharma Miscellaneous Symbols
^ 94 0x5E aries 9800 U+2648 Aries Miscellaneous Symbols
_ 95 0x5F taurus 9801 U+2649 Taurus Miscellaneous Symbols
` 96 0x60 gemini 9802 U+264A Gemini Miscellaneous Symbols
a 97 0x61 cancer 9803 U+264B Cancer Miscellaneous Symbols
b 98 0x62 leo 9804 U+264C Leo Miscellaneous Symbols
c 99 0x63 virgo 9805 U+264D Virgo Miscellaneous Symbols
d 100 0x64 libra 9806 U+264E Libra Miscellaneous Symbols
e 101 0x65 scorpio 9807 U+264F Scorpio Miscellaneous Symbols
f 102 0x66 saggitarius 9808 U+2650 Sagittarius Miscellaneous Symbols
g 103 0x67 capricorn 9809 U+2651 Capricorn Miscellaneous Symbols
h 104 0x68 aquarius 9810 U+2652 Aquarius Miscellaneous Symbols
i 105 0x69 pisces 9811 U+2653 Pisces Miscellaneous Symbols
j 106 0x6A ampersanditlc 🙰 128624 U+1F670 Script ligature et ornament Ornamental Dingbats
k 107 0x6B ampersandit 🙵 128629 U+1F675 Swash ampersand ornament Ornamental Dingbats
l 108 0x6C circle6 9679 U+25CF Black circle Geometric Shapes
m 109 0x6D circleshadowdwn 🔾 128318 U+1F53E Lower right shadowed white circle Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
n 110 0x6E square6 9632 U+25A0 Black square Geometric Shapes
o 111 0x6F box3 9633 U+25A1 White square Geometric Shapes
p 112 0x70 box4 🞐 128912 U+1F790 Bold white square Geometric Shapes Extended
q 113 0x71 boxshadowdwn 10065 U+2751 Lower right shadowed white square Dingbats
r 114 0x72 boxshadowup 10066 U+2752 Upper right shadowed white square Dingbats
s 115 0x73 lozenge4 11047 U+2B27 Black medium lozenge Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
t 116 0x74 lozenge6 10731 U+29EB Black lozenge Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
u 117 0x75 rhombus6 9670 U+25C6 Black diamond Geometric Shapes
v 118 0x76 xrhombus 10070 U+2756 Black diamond minus white X Dingbats
w 119 0x77 rhombus4 11045 U+2B25 Black medium diamond Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
x 120 0x78 clear 8999 U+2327 X in a rectangle box Miscellaneous Technical
y 121 0x79 escape 11193 U+2BB9 Up arrowhead in a rectangle box Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
z 122 0x7A command 8984 U+2318 Place of interest sign Miscellaneous Symbols
{ 123 0x7B rosette 🏵 127989 U+1F3F5 Rosette Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
| 124 0x7C rosettesolid 🏶 127990 U+1F3F6 Black rosette Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
} 125 0x7D quotedbllftbld 🙶 128630 U+1F676 Sans-serif heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament Ornamental Dingbats
~ 126 0x7E quotedblrtbld 🙷 128631 U+1F677 Sans-serif heavy double comma quotation mark ornament Ornamental Dingbats
 127 0x7F .notdef          
128 0x80 zerosans 9450 U+24EA Circled digit zero Enclosed Alphanumerics
 129 0x81 onesans 9312 U+2460 Circled digit one Enclosed Alphanumerics
130 0x82 twosans 9313 U+2461 Circled digit two Enclosed Alphanumerics
ƒ 131 0x83 threesans 9314 U+2462 Circled digit three Enclosed Alphanumerics
132 0x84 foursans 9315 U+2463 Circled digit four Enclosed Alphanumerics
133 0x85 fivesans 9316 U+2464 Circled digit five Enclosed Alphanumerics
134 0x86 sixsans 9317 U+2465 Circled digit six Enclosed Alphanumerics
135 0x87 sevensans 9318 U+2466 Circled digit seven Enclosed Alphanumerics
ˆ 136 0x88 eightsans 9319 U+2467 Circled digit eight Enclosed Alphanumerics
137 0x89 ninesans 9320 U+2468 Circled digit nine Enclosed Alphanumerics
Š 138 0x8A tensans 9321 U+2469 Circled number ten Enclosed Alphanumerics
139 0x8B zerosansinv 9471 U+24FF Negative circled digit zero Enclosed Alphanumerics
Œ 140 0x8C onesansinv 10102 U+2776 Dingbat negative circled digit one Dingbats
 141 0x8D twosansinv 10103 U+2777 Dingbat negative circled digit two Dingbats
Ž 142 0x8E threesansinv 10104 U+2778 Dingbat negative circled digit three Dingbats
 143 0x8F foursansinv 10105 U+2779 Dingbat negative circled digit four Dingbats
 144 0x90 fivesansinv 10106 U+277A Dingbat negative circled digit five Dingbats
145 0x91 sixsansinv 10107 U+277B Dingbat negative circled digit six Dingbats
146 0x92 sevensansinv 10108 U+277C Dingbat negative circled digit seven Dingbats
147 0x93 eightsansinv 10109 U+277D Dingbat negative circled digit eight Dingbats
148 0x94 ninesansinv 10110 U+277E Dingbat negative circled digit nine Dingbats
149 0x95 tensansinv 10111 U+277F Dingbat negative circled number ten Dingbats
150 0x96 budleafne 🙢 128610 U+1F662 North east pointing bud Ornamental Dingbats
151 0x97 budleafnw 🙠 128608 U+1F660 North west pointing bud Ornamental Dingbats
˜ 152 0x98 budleafsw 🙡 128609 U+1F661 South west pointing bud Ornamental Dingbats
153 0x99 budleafse 🙣 128611 U+1F663 South east pointing bud Ornamental Dingbats
š 154 0x9A vineleafboldne 🙞 128606 U+1F65E Heavy north east pointing vine leaf Ornamental Dingbats
155 0x9B vineleafboldnw 🙜 128604 U+1F65C Heavy north west pointing vine leaf Ornamental Dingbats
œ 156 0x9C vineleafboldsw 🙝 128605 U+1F65D Heavy south west pointing vine leaf Ornamental Dingbats
 157 0x9D vineleafboldse 🙟 128607 U+1F65F Heavy south east pointing vine leaf Ornamental Dingbats
ž 158 0x9E circle2 · 183 U+00B7 Middle dot Latin-1 Supplement
Ÿ 159 0x9F circle4 8226 U+2022 Bullet General Punctuation
  160 0xA0 square2 9642 U+25AA Black small square Geometric Shapes
¡ 161 0xA1 ring2 9898 U+26AA Medium white circle Miscellaneous Symbols
¢ 162 0xA2 ring4 🞆 128902 U+1F786 Heavy large circle Geometric Shapes Extended
£ 163 0xA3 ring6 🞈 128904 U+1F788 Very heavy white circle Geometric Shapes Extended
¤ 164 0xA4 ringbutton2 9673 U+25C9 Fisheye Geometric Shapes
¥ 165 0xA5 target 9678 U+25CE Bullseye Geometric Shapes
¦ 166 0xA6 circleshadowup 🔿 128319 U+1F53F Upper right shadowed white circle Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
§ 167 0xA7 square4 9642 U+25AA Black small square Geometric Shapes
¨ 168 0xA8 box2 9723 U+25FB White medium square Geometric Shapes
© 169 0xA9 tristar2 🟂 128962 U+1F7C2 Three pointed black star Geometric Shapes Extended
ª 170 0xAA crosstar2 10022 U+2726 Black four pointed star Dingbats
« 171 0xAB pentastar2 9733 U+2605 Black star Miscellaneous Symbols
¬ 172 0xAC hexstar2 10038 U+2736 Six pointed black star Dingbats
­ 173 0xAD octastar2 10036 U+2734 Eight pointed black star Dingbats
® 174 0xAE dodecastar3 10041 U+2739 Twelve pointed black star Dingbats
¯ 175 0xAF octastar4 10037 U+2735 Eight pointed pinwheel star Dingbats
° 176 0xB0 registersquare 11216 U+2BD0 Square position indicator Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
± 177 0xB1 registercircle 8982 U+2316 Position indicator Miscellaneous Technical
² 178 0xB2 cuspopen 10209 U+27E1 White concave-sided diamond Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
³ 179 0xB3 cuspopen1 8977 U+2311 Square lozenge Miscellaneous Technical
´ 180 0xB4 query 11217 U+2BD1 Uncertainty sign Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
µ 181 0xB5 circlestar 10026 U+272A Circled white star Dingbats
182 0xB6 starshadow 10032 U+2730 Shadowed white star Dingbats
· 183 0xB7 oneoclock 🕐 128336 U+1F550 Clock face one oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
¸ 184 0xB8 twooclock 🕑 128337 U+1F551 Clock face two oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
¹ 185 0xB9 threeoclock 🕒 128338 U+1F552 Clock face three oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
º 186 0xBA fouroclock 🕓 128339 U+1F553 Clock face four oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
» 187 0xBB fiveoclock 🕔 128340 U+1F554 Clock face five oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
¼ 188 0xBC sixoclock 🕕 128341 U+1F555 Clock face six oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
½ 189 0xBD sevenoclock 🕖 128342 U+1F556 Clock face seven oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
¾ 190 0xBE eightoclock 🕗 128343 U+1F557 Clock face eight oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
¿ 191 0xBF nineoclock 🕘 128344 U+1F558 Clock face nine oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
À 192 0xC0 tenoclock 🕙 128345 U+1F559 Clock face ten oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Á 193 0xC1 elevenoclock 🕚 128346 U+1F55A Clock face eleven oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
 194 0xC2 twelveoclock 🕛 128347 U+1F55B Clock face twelve oclock Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
à 195 0xC3 arrowdwnleft1 11184 U+2BB0 Ribbon arrow down left Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ä 196 0xC4 arrowdwnrt1 11185 U+2BB1 Ribbon arrow down right Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Å 197 0xC5 arrowupleft1 11186 U+2BB2 Ribbon arrow up left Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Æ 198 0xC6 arrowuprt1 11187 U+2BB3 Ribbon arrow up right Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ç 199 0xC7 arrowleftup1 11188 U+2BB4 Ribbon arrow left up Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
È 200 0xC8 arrowrtup1 11189 U+2BB5 Ribbon arrow right up Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
É 201 0xC9 arrowleftdwn1 11190 U+2BB6 Ribbon arrow left down Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ê 202 0xCA arrowrtdwn1 11191 U+2BB7 Ribbon arrow right down Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ë 203 0xCB quiltsquare2 🙪 128618 U+1F66A Solid quilt square ornament Ornamental Dingbats
Ì 204 0xCC quiltsquare2inv 🙫 128619 U+1F66B Solid quilt square ornament in black square Ornamental Dingbats
Í 205 0xCD leafccwsw 🙕 128597 U+1F655 Turned south west pointing leaf Ornamental Dingbats
Î 206 0xCE leafccwnw 🙔 128596 U+1F654 Turned north west pointing leaf Ornamental Dingbats
Ï 207 0xCF leafccwse 🙗 128599 U+1F657 Turned south east pointing leaf Ornamental Dingbats
Ð 208 0xD0 leafccwne 🙖 128598 U+1F656 Turned north east pointing leaf Ornamental Dingbats
Ñ 209 0xD1 leafnw 🙐 128592 U+1F650 North west pointing leaf Ornamental Dingbats
Ò 210 0xD2 leafsw 🙑 128593 U+1F651 South west pointing leaf Ornamental Dingbats
Ó 211 0xD3 leafne 🙒 128594 U+1F652 North east pointing leaf Ornamental Dingbats
Ô 212 0xD4 leafse 🙓 128595 U+1F653 South east pointing leaf Ornamental Dingbats
Õ 213 0xD5 deleteleft 9003 U+232B Erase to the left Miscellaneous Technical
Ö 214 0xD6 deleteright 8998 U+2326 Erase to the right Miscellaneous Technical
× 215 0xD7 head2left 11160 U+2B98 Three-D top-lighted leftwards equilateral arrowhead Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ø 216 0xD8 head2right 11162 U+2B9A Three-D top-lighted rightwards equilateral arrowhead Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ù 217 0xD9 head2up 11161 U+2B99 Three-D right-lighted upwards equilateral arrowhead Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ú 218 0xDA head2down 11163 U+2B9B Three-D left-lighted downwards equilateral arrowhead Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Û 219 0xDB circleleft 11144 U+2B88 Leftwards black circled white arrow Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ü 220 0xDC circleright 11146 U+2B8A Rightwards black circled white arrow Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ý 221 0xDD circleup 11145 U+2B89 Upwards black circled white arrow Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Þ 222 0xDE circledown 11147 U+2B8B Downwards black circled white arrow Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
ß 223 0xDF barb2left 🡨 129128 U+1F868 Wide-headed leftwards barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
à 224 0xE0 barb2right 🡪 129130 U+1F86A Wide-headed rightwards barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
á 225 0xE1 barb2up 🡩 129129 U+1F869 Wide-headed upwards barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
â 226 0xE2 barb2down 🡫 129131 U+1F86B Wide-headed downwards barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
ã 227 0xE3 barb2nw 🡬 129132 U+1F86C Wide-headed north west barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
ä 228 0xE4 barb2ne 🡭 129133 U+1F86D Wide-headed north east barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
å 229 0xE5 barb2sw 🡯 129135 U+1F86F Wide-headed south west barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
æ 230 0xE6 barb2se 🡮 129134 U+1F86E Wide-headed south east barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
ç 231 0xE7 barb4left 🡸 129144 U+1F878 Wide-headed leftwards heavy barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
è 232 0xE8 barb4right 🡺 129146 U+1F87A Wide-headed rightwards heavy barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
é 233 0xE9 barb4up 🡹 129145 U+1F879 Wide-headed upwards heavy barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
ê 234 0xEA barb4down 🡻 129147 U+1F87B Wide-headed downwards heavy barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
ë 235 0xEB barb4nw 🡼 129148 U+1F87C Wide-headed north west heavy barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
ì 236 0xEC barb4ne 🡽 129149 U+1F87D Wide-headed north east heavy barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
í 237 0xED barb4sw 🡿 129151 U+1F87F Wide-headed south west heavy barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
î 238 0xEE barb4se 🡾 129150 U+1F87E Wide-headed south east heavy barb arrow Supplemental Arrows-C
ï 239 0xEF bleft 8678 U+21E6 Leftwards white arrow Arrows
ð 240 0xF0 bright 8680 U+21E8 Rightwards white arrow Arrows
ñ 241 0xF1 bup 8679 U+21E7 Upwards white arrow Arrows
ò 242 0xF2 bdown 8681 U+21E9 Downwards white arrow Arrows
ó 243 0xF3 bleftright 11012 U+2B04 Left right white arrow Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
ô 244 0xF4 bupdown 8691 U+21F3 Up down white arrow Arrows
õ 245 0xF5 bnw 11008 U+2B00 North east white arrow Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
ö 246 0xF6 bne 11009 U+2B01 North west white arrow Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
÷ 247 0xF7 bsw 11011 U+2B03 South west white arrow Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
ø 248 0xF8 bse 11010 U+2B02 South east white arrow Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
ù 249 0xF9 bdash1 🢬 129196 U+1F8AC White arrow shaft width one Supplemental Arrows-C
ú 250 0xFA bdash2 🢭 129197 U+1F8AD White arrow shaft width two thirds Supplemental Arrows-C
û 251 0xFB xmarkbld 🗶 128502 U+1F5F6 Ballot bold script X Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
ü 252 0xFC checkbld 10004 U+2714 Heavy check mark Dingbats
ý 253 0xFD boxxmarkbld 🗷 128503 U+1F5F7 Ballot box with bold script X Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
þ 254 0xFE boxcheckbld 🗹 128505 U+1F5F9 Ballot box with bold check Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
ÿ 255 0xFF windowslogo (Windows logo – no equivalent)